Why Branding is so important?

Branding is a huge subject. It involves multiple levels of building a brand. 
This should help you to understand why your brand or the evolution of your brand is so important to your business. 

Why is a brand so important?

Branding is a huge subject. It involves multiple levels of building a brand. This should help you to understand why your brand or the evolution of your brand is so important to your business. 

Brand identity

Your name, trademark, communications and visual appearance are all elements that work up to make your brand identity. 

So with these elements let's ask , What exactly does Brand identity need. It is your identity which connects the brand to the clients. It is what you want to say, and how you want to say it. Always remember to be authentic to your brand identity. 

What this means is when you design a TAG line for your brand, you should be able to deliver 100% on the promise of your brand. 

An example of this is a Courier company which says Fastest delivery in their tag line, they should remain true to it.  

If you can, create a brand book with the exact guidelines of the elements of your brand. This is usually helpful when you intend to grow your brand in multiple locations, and grow to a franchise concept in the future. 

Brand personality 

If the product is linked to a particular place then that can be used as a personality of your product. For example Hyderabadi Biryani , the personality of the product gives a feel of Hyderabad. 

Usually the personality of the product also defines a particular segment of the target audiences of the product. So if you are a 5 * hotel, your audiences will be affluent people who can afford luxury . 

Again the key here is - Your message should be consistent.

All your adverts cross platform should follow the same meaning, which means your message on twitter as well as Instagram and news paper should say the same things .  

Brand experience

When people use your brand , What is the experience you wish to give them. If you are a budget airline, then your brand experience vs a 5* airline will be very different.

A luxury product will not be see on a cheap shelf. Where as a cheap product will not be seen on a channel shelf .