Branding Manual

So a lot of clients who are starting with a new brand ask me.

Why do we need a Brand Manual ?

And the usual answer is because in building a brand which will grow from a single use / single environment to a Multinational / Multi level / Multi vendor company.

At this point the use of the brand and the logos etc of the company will be extensive and used / created by many different agencies and players. 

Since as brand owners we need to ensure that the elements should not dilute, we have to  create a manual with all elements listed as a STANDARD . 

What is a Brand Manual ?

A brand manual is a rule book containing specifications on everything that plays a role in the look and feel of your brand.

It will contain things like:

  • Typography
  • Colors
  • Logo 
  • Imagery
  • Any other distinct element that is used in communication 

It basically lets all players know how to present you to the world when they are entrusted with this role. It also guides your corporate communication process in elements like Blogs , Visiting cards , Letter heads and Press articles to the world.

Remember that almost every great brand out there has a story behind it, so work on the story as that will tell the world your vision when you release your branding guide .

So now the question that comes up is what is a brand story? 

A brand story is a little story that encompasses the companies vision, mission and core values in a short package.  

In case a company has certain principles, these can be encompassed in the brand story.  For example a company may say we follow the following 4 principles 

Also the story should be Honest and authentic… so this will be a long term working style of the brand. 

All this put together makes your Brand Manual.